Clinical trial design
Clinical trial design
Do not allow bad experimental design ruin your conclusions. A good study design and statistical analysis will lead you to better conclusions.
The use of experimentation and clinical trials in industry is a method that helps in the improvement of products and processes. The variable of interest can be influenced by the presence of other factors. A good experimental design needs to cover several aspects, from choosing the experimental units, treatments and methodologies to assigning the treatments to the experimental units. The better the study design and statistical analysis the stronger the conclusions.
Experimental design can be applied to different disciplines such as biotechnology, environmental sciences, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, engineering, quality control, medicine, industry, agriculture, marketing and psychology, being an essential part of an experimental study.
Some examples where clinical trials can be applied:
Comparison of two or more treatments (vaccines, antibiotics or other drugs).
What diet has better conversion rates.
Deciding if a change in work or management practices will be beneficial or detrimental.
It is desirable that reliable clinical trials are developed before applying a large scale change to anticipate the results of the modified process.
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Extract the most value from your data. From data collection to study conclusions and recommendations, we will capitalize on our experience in animal production, animal health, and epidemiology not to mention our network of international collaborators.
We can help you to communicate animal health scientific results by adapting the message to different formats.